


A Tradition of Use For:

Stimulates lymphatic detoxification and the excretion of cellular waste

Support for the General lymphatic stasis not due to decline in renal function.

Supportive remedy for treatment of lymphatic conditions and swollen lymph nodes

More Info:

Supports elimination of local and systemic inflammation of the lymphatic tissues, helps reduce swollen glands and promotes the efficient flow of the lymph.

Pathogenic conditions that would benefit from this medication include lymphatic infections and blockages, swollen nodes, acute infections of the organs and mucous membranes, all pus-producing infections (bronchitis, tonsillitis), mumps, adenoma, mastopathy, benign swelling of the breast glands and neoplasm

Keynotes & Indications

Name: ITI(den)= infections of the, RES= reticuloendothelial tissues

ITIRES drops stimulate and detoxify the entire lymphatic system -- a vital part of the immune response -- to help speed excretion of toxins during acute and chronic illnesses. Efficient flow of lymph can prevent stagnation and blockages that increase the chance of new infections.

The lymph nodes function like small heart muscles that pump and filter between 1.5 to 2.5 liters of lymphatic fluids, pathogens, toxins and cellular waste products per day, enabling an essential detoxification of the body. Acute and chronic illnesses, as well as internal toxins such as free radicals, can completely overburden the lymphatic system, which then urgently needs support of biological medications to meet this increased toxic load.

Moreover, it is important to point out that the lymphatic vessels in the intestines (the largest excretion organ for waste products and toxins in the body) must also be stimulated to avoid a reintoxification via the intestinal walls. Any continuous blockage of the lymphatic system and intoxification of the organs can lead via various stages to exhaustion of the effected cells. To reverse pathogenic processes, homeopathic-spagyric therapy attempts to activate exhausted immune defenses and aid the body in excreting the toxic load as quickly as possible.

Pathogenic conditions that may benerfit from ITIRES drops include lymphatic infections and blockages, swollen glands, acute and chronic infections of the organs and mucous membranes, all pus-producing infections (bronchitis and tonsillitis), mumps, adenoma, mastopathy, benign swelling of the breast glands and neoplasm. ITIRES drops also boost the immune system, and can be used as an adjunctive support for neoplasmtic conditions where lymphatic toxicity stasis is present.

Please note: The tonsils, thymus and spleen are also important parts of the lymphatic system and need to be treated with specific remedies such as AILGENO drops, apo-STRUM drops and SEPTONSIL drops.

Combines Well With:

Renelix and Apo-Hepat in the beginning of the management of a case involving substantial toxicity with a heavy encumbrance of the matrix.

Any appropriate tissue or organ-specific remedies when a download of toxic material through the lymphatics will be induced, or when local lymph nodes are swollen.


apo-HEPAT drops - liver function

TOXEX drops - general excretion, heavy metals

Spagyric and/or homeopathic preparations of:
Oral DropsBarium carbonicum8XCalcium iodatum8XCistus canadensis12XClematis recta4XConium Maculatum6XEchinacea angustifolia12XGalium aparine6XJuglans regia6XScrophularia nodosa4XTopical OintmentAesculus hippocastarum4XArnica montana8XCalcium fluoratum8XCalcium jodatum6XClematis recta3XConium maculatum3XHedera helix6XScrophularia nodosa2X

General lymphatic stasis not due to decline in renal function.Lymphadenopathy

¼ to ½ teaspoon taken 2 or 3 times per day.10 drops in very sensitive individuals.Apply topical ointment 2-3 times per day over lymph nodes.

Combines Well With:
Renelix and Apo-Hepat in the beginning of the management of a case involving substantial toxicity with a heavy encumbrance of the matrix.Any appropriate tissue or organ-specific remedies when a download of toxic material through the lymphatics will be induced, or when local lymph nodes are swollen.

*Your results may vary from those listed above.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Since we do not know everything about your medical history and medications, please consult with your health care practitioner before implementing any new protocols and supplements. Do not construe any information listed on this site as a substitute for actual medical advice. The info you receive from us is not intended to replace medical advice by your doctor. Forrest Health, Inc. does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. We offer nutritional programs and supplements that support your health. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Natural ReGenesis. are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a medical condition, see your physician of choice.

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